Jun 9, 2022
This list will show you exactly what is in your emergency kit!

An emergency kit is a must-have for any vehicle. When you’re on the road, you never know what could happen, especially if you are taking a long road trip. A car accident, a blown tire, or even a simple mechanical problem can leave you stranded and in need of help. Having an emergency kit can be a lifesaver, and by being prepared, you can help yourself and your passengers in a time of need.

In this article, we are going to give you a list of the absolute essentials for your car emergency kit.

Click here to see what the NCS has to say about your safety kit.

The must-have essentials for your car emergency kit

  • Flares. Provide high visibility, especially at night or in poor weather conditions, to help drivers be aware of you and help emergency responders easily find you.
  • Emergency triangles. To alert drivers of where you are so, they can drive cautiously by you, helping keep you and them safe.
  • Bottled water. You don’t want to get dehydrated. You want enough water to last you 2-3 days in case you get stranded for a long time, and have extra for any passengers you regularly have with you.
  • Emergency food kits. Non-perishable food items or emergency food kits that can last 2-3 days for you and additional passengers. Foods that keep up your energy and are easy to consume without needing to be cooked. If you pack canned foods, be sure to include a can opener in your emergency kit.
  • Compressible blanket. These take up very little space and are very helpful for keeping you very warm. It’s a good idea to have a few on hand, especially in frigid temperatures.
  • First aid kit. Injuries can happen anytime. There’s nothing worse than getting injured while traveling and not having anything on hand to tend to it.
  • Disposable rain poncho. If you need to get outside your vehicle in the cold and rain to put out flares or triangles or to put on a spare tire, a rain poncho is great to keep you dry, which will also help you maintain body heat.
  • Gloves. These are a must during the winter season if you need to get out of the vehicle and tend to your car or set up emergency visuals.
  • Flashlight. Conserve your phone power and pack a bright flashlight you can use in an emergency.
  • Whistle. If you’re stranded on a back road in dense forest, a whistle may help others hear you and find you. It also helps scare off some curious animals.

Preparedness is key

No matter what the season, it’s important to have an emergency kit in your car. The essentials we listed are a must for any type of roadside emergency. However, you may want to pack other items specific to your needs, climate, or depending on where you live and the types of emergencies that are most common in your area. Make sure you take into account the seasons when packing your kit and always be prepared for the unexpected. Your life may depend on it.

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